One sportswriter called his performance "predictably awesome" and said that the 15-time All Star is "a real natural for pro wrestling, with his size, charisma and speaking ability." Although he was supposed to just host, Shaq ended up getting in the ring and throwing Big Show out of it. The appearance set the stage for a welcome Shaq crossover into the sport, and obviously left Big Show jonesing for a rematch.

Fast forward seven years later, when Shaq made a surprise appearance at WrestleMania 32 in April 2016, just as the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal was about to get underway. The two behemoths stared each other down and appeared to be on the verge of tearing each other limb from limb, but then fellow colossus Kane stepped in, grabbing first Shaq, then Big Show by the throats. The latter two then teamed up to body slam Kane, but that's as far as their union would go. As the WWE reported, Shaq was taken out by the onslaught of pro wrestlers, but not before eliminating Damien Sandow first. The brawl only left Big Show wanting more. As things were gearing up for WrestleMania 33, Big Show wanted to take a bite out of Shaq, and it initially looked like he was going to get what he wanted. But then it all of the sudden didn't.
