Well he obviously isn't a "hero" to the thousands that were seated in the arena last night in Chicago, because just like how the fans at ECW One Night Stand 2006 told Cena the truth, when they screamed and roared at him "You can't wrestle!" with passion and substance, the same way he heard the same at Wrestlemania 22 and Unforgiven 2006 and countless times before and after, last John Cena was simply told by the fans in Chicago...

That he absolutely sucks!

John Cena didn't "own" The Rock, at all. The Rock came out, told John the same things hes been saying for the past two weeks, and in response instead of cutting a shitty little rap, reverting back to his old gimmick, the person he claims he "really is," John Cena said the truth. That's all he did, he didn't say it and own The Rock, he simply said it and built the heat between them.

The Rock said is three weeks ago, John Cena himself makes movies. The Rock did it all when he was in the WWE, and if he didn't he did everything he wanted to accomplish, and so he went on to become a movie star. And you heard The Miz, The Rock has grossed over $1.2 billion dollars from his movies. That isn't a drop in the ocean by any means, John Cena's shitty movies haven't made a fraction of that.

The Rock used to be the face of the WWE, when 8.1 million people a week used to tune in. John Cena is the face of the WWE, when 3.6 tune in, and a lot of them are kids. It takes a lot more to keep teenagers, young-adults and the likes happy like The Rock did back in the 90's then it does a bunch of kids.

John Cena hit the FU on The Rock, when Rock was turing around from beating down the guy who has beaten down John Cena three times in the last five weeks. John brought him onto his shoulder and hit the FU. That's great, but that means nothing.

At Wrestlemania, if John can do that again, he'll have owned The Rock. But simply put, that won't happen because it isn't the logical thing to do to bring this rivalry to the next level, hence, The Rock will plant Cena in-front of 80,000 people and when The Rock is standing above him the face of the WWE will be on his back, and might not even have the WWE Championship to his name.

John Cena got leverage, that's it, saying he owned The Rock, is simply an over-exaggeration.
